Unless otherwise noted, all conferences will take place every two Fridays from 11:30am to 1:30pm at the Department of Philosophy seminar room (Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences, ground floor, room F11). We will try to follow the guidelines for respectful, constructive, and inclusive philosophical discussion.
Academic year 2024/2025 calendar
20/09/2023: Jordi Valor (University of Valencia): Coneixement inferencial i casos Gettier
04/10/2023: Jean-Moritz Müller (University of Tübingen): Autonomous Emotions
18/10/2024: Valentí Simpson (University of Valencia): Talk about luck! (Anti-)Fregeanism & Loar’s Puzzle for Communication
08/11/2024: Mihaela Popa-Wyatt (University of Manchester): Platform Speech should be libertas not gratis [Cancelled]
22/11/2024: Mariela Rubín (CONICET/University of Buenos Aires): Indicative Conditionals and the Adoption Problem
13/12/2024: Vicente Raja & Miguel Segundo-Ortin (University of Murcia): TBA (XIII Workshop on Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences)
17/01/2025: Joan Camarena (University of Valencia): Self-organization assessed. The rise of complexity in the world
31/01/2025: Andrew Shorten (University of Limerick) & Sergi Morales-Gálvez (University of Valencia): Equality Amongst Speakers of English: Distributive and Relational Approaches
14/02/2025: Uriah Kriegel (Rice University): Conscious Intentionality: What Vision and Mood Teach Us
28/02/2025: Carlota Serrahima (University of Valencia): TBA
07/03/2025: Daniel Gregory (University of Salzburg): TBA
28/03/2025: Manuel García Carpintero (University of Barcelona): TBA
11/04/2025: Christian Carbonell (University of Valencia): Control and Knowledge in Action
09/05/2025: Miguel Gramage (University of Valencia): TBA
23/05/2025: Aida Roige (University of Valencia): TBA
06/06/2025: Ximena Castro (University of Valencia): TBA
20/06/2025: Aarón Álvarez-González (University of Valencia): TBA
Research projects PID2021-127046NA-I00 / PID2022-139226NB-I00 / PID2023-151071NB-I00 / PID2023-151949NA-I00 / PID2023-150151NA-I00 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Research projects CIPROM/2023/55 / CISEJI/2023/51 / CIGE/2023/008 / CIGE/2023/16 funded by the Conselleria d’Educació, Universitats, i Ocupació.