The 30th SIUCC conference
The SIUCC (Seminario Interuniversitario de Ciencia Cognitiva) annual conferences are three-day workshops, intended to focus on the contributions of an influential philosopher, which have been organized under the auspices of the SEFA (Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy) since the creation of the society in 1994.
The invited speaker of the 30th edition is José Luis Bermúdez. Jointly organized by SEFA and the Valencia Philosophy Lab, the conference will take place in Valencia on the 26th, 27th and 28th of April 2023.
Invited speakers are asked to present three papers, which can be new material or a revision of former work. The seminar intends to trigger discussion and debate through the presentation of a selection of contributions related to any of the philosophical topics of the invited speakers’ work.
Previous SIUCC conferences and guest speakers have been: XXIX, Barcelona: Susanna Siegel; XXVIII, Granada: Amie Thomasson; XXVII, Vitoria: Elisabeth Camp; XXVI, Madrid: David Velleman; XXV, Valencia: Tim Williamson; XXIV, Valladolid: Jason Stanley; XXIII, Sevilla: Jennifer Hornsby; XXII, San Sebastián: Jesse Prinz; XXI, Granada: Jaakko Hintikka; XX, Barcelona: Crispin Wright; XIX, Zaragoza: Ernest Sosa; XVIII, Madrid: John Perry.
About José Luis Bermúdez
José Luis Bermúdez is Professor of Philosophy and Samuel Rhea Gammon Professor of Liberal Arts at Texas A&M University, where he has served as Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and as Associate Provost for Strategic Planning. He was awarded an AFS Distinguished Achievement Award for Research in 2021.
His many publications include eight single-author books and six edited volumes. His research interests are interdisciplinary in nature, at the intersection of philosophy and the cognitive and behavioral sciences more generally. His first book, The Paradox of Self-Consciousness (MIT Press, 1998) analyzed the nature of self-awareness. Thinking without Words (Oxford UP, 2003) offered a model for thinking about the cognitive achievements and abilities of prelinguistic infants and nonlinguistic humans. Decision Theory and Rationality (Oxford UP, 2009) explores tensions in how the concept of rationality is defined and formalized in different academic disciplines. Continuing his work on self-consciousness and self-reference, Understanding “I”: Language and Thought was published by Oxford UP in 2017 and The Bodily Self: Selected Essays by MIT Press in 2018. His most recent book, Frame It Again: New Tools for Rational Thought, was published by Cambridge University Press in November 2020. A new edited volume, Sharing Thoughts: Philosophical Perspectives on Intersubjectivity and Communication, is forthcoming with Oxford UP.
Call for contributions
The organizing committee invites contributions on topics related to Professor José L. Bermúdez’s work. Extended drafts (not less than 2000 words) should be sent to Víctor M. Verdejo (vmverdejo@gmail.com) by 15 January 2023.
New deadline for submissions: 31 January 2023.
Notification of acceptance will be by 1 February 2023. New notification of acceptance date: 15 February 2023.
Free accommodation
The organizing committee is glad to announce that accommodation will be covered for all speakers. There will be no fee to attend or present at the conference.
Organizing committee
Víctor M. Verdejo
Pablo Rychter
Matheus Valente
Supporting bodies
The 30th edition of the SIUCC conference is jointly organized and supported by the Spanish Society for Analytical Philosophy (SEFA) and the Valencia Philosophy Lab through the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Government of Spain) MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Grants PID2019-106420GA-100 and RYC2021-033972-I, and the European Union «NextGenerationEU»/PRTR.
Wednesday, APRIL 26
14:45 – 15:00 Víctor Verdejo – Presentation
15:00 – 17:00 José Luis Bermúdez (Texas A&M) – Guest Lecture
Frames, Senses, and Sameness of Thoughts (chair: Víctor Verdejo)
17:00 – 17:15 Coffee Break
17:15 – 18:15 Jay Jian (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Rational Choice Beyond the Comparative Frame (chair: Sergi Rosell)
18:15 – 19:15 Daniel Dohrn (Milan)
Bermúdez on the Rationality of Quasi-Cyclical Preferences (chair: Matheus Valente)
Thursday, APRIL 27
09:30 – 10:30 Cristina Borgoni (Bayreuth)
First-Person Authority and Bermúdez’s Notion of Primitive Self-Consciousness (chair: Jordi Valor)
10:30 – 11:30 Mariela Destefano (Buenos Aires/UPF)
Rethinking Inner Speech as a Vehicle for Intentional Ascent (chair: Valen Simpson)
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 – 12:45 Derek Brown (Glasgow)
Perceptual Mediation, Perceptual Theory and Sensory Engineering (chair: Cristina Borgoni)
12:45 – 13:45 David Sánchez (Granada)
Thinking without Representing: An Ecological Plea for Minimalism (chair: Víctor Verdejo)
13:45 – 15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 16:00 Sandra Visokolskis (Cordoba)
Creative Processes as a Paradigmatic Case of Implicit Cognition: From Nonconceptual to Conceptual Contents (chair: Matheus Valente)
16:00 – 17:00 Marko Jurjako (Rijeka)
Bermúdez on Levels of Psychological Explanation (chair: Carlota Serrahima)
20:30 Conference Dinner
Friday, APRIL 28
09:30 – 10:30 Ainhoa Fernández (Basque Country)
De Se Thoughts, Communication and The Act-Type View of Propositional Content (chair: Josep Corbí)
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 – 11:45 Carlota Serrahima (Barcelona/Logos)
Psychological Immunity, Bodily Ownership, and Vice Versa (chair: Marc Artiga)
11:45 – 13:45 José Luis Bermúdez (Texas A&M)
Presentation on the Themes of the Conference (chairs: Víctor Verdejo and Matheus Valente)
13:45 Closure
To register, write to Matheus Valente (matheusvalente@ub.edu).