Fiction and Fictionalism


Tuesdays from 12:00 to 13:30 by Zoom, starting on Tuesday 24/1.

Basic Information

We will be reading two books, each of them fortnightly, so that people may choose to join both or only one of the strands, depending on interest and availability. We would start with on Tuesday 24/1 with chapter 1 of Armour-Garb’s book, and then with chapter 1 of Abell’s on Tuesday 31/1. Then we will continue with each book every other Tuesday.

If you are interested to join, or want to get the information about the meetings, please let Pablo Rychter know so that he can put you on the list.


“Pretense and Pathology Philosophical Fictionalism and its Applications”, by Bradley Armour-Garb and James A. Woodbridge.

“Fiction. A Philosophical Analysis”, by Catharine Abell.


Pablo Rychter and Jordi Valor.



Eliminativism, FIctionalism, and Expressivism. The possibility of a negative metaphysical veredict about a discourse D (PID2019-106420GA-100) *

*Grant PID2019-106420GA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033.