Senior members


Manuel Almagro is Assistant Professor (in Logic and Philosophy of Science) at the University of Valencia. He received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Granada in 2021, has been a postdoc at Granada and València, and a visiting scholar at UCONN, with Michael Lynch. His main areas of research are political epistemology, political philosophy of language, and experimental philosophy. In the last few years, he has been working on political polarization, disagreement, offensive meaning, expressivism and Wittgenstein’s philosophy. He is currently writing a book on the philosophy of affective polarization (under contract with Routledge).


Aarón Álvarez-González is a Juan de la Cierva postdoc at the University of Valencia. He was a pre doctoral researcher at Logos (University of Barcelona), where he earned his Ph.D with a thesis entitled Emotional Experience: its Nature, its Rationality, and its Epistemology. He works mainly in philosophy of emotion and philosophy of mind more generally, but he is also deeply interested in epistemology, ethics, philosophy of action and rationality. Currently he is exploring the prospects of different theories of intentionality. 


Marc Artiga is lecturer at the Universitat de València. After completing his PhD a the Universitat de Girona with the LOGOS group, he was a postdoctoral fellowship at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy and the Universitat de Barcelona. His areas of specialization are philosophy of mind, pilosophy of biology and philosophy of cognitive science, and he is also very interested in philosophy of science, philosophy of language, political philosophy, and metaethics.


Virginia Ballesteros is Assistant Professor. In 2021, she received her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Valencia, with a thesis on the philosophy of psychiatry. She has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid (2021-2022), where she did research on the philosophy of birth; in particular, on the experience of giving birth and on some metaphysical and epistemological aspects of birth care. Her main areas of interest are the philosophy of psychiatry, psychology, and altered states of consciousness. She is also interested in some topics on social ontology and epistemology. She is currently investigating the experience of and beliefs about the world as a whole in depression.


I am a philosopher of mind specialized in 4E cognition. My research is developed in the fields of mind, cognition, and culture. My focus is especially on public representations and narratives, their collective use, and emergent cognitive dynamics in human communities. I carry on the research project “Scaffolded minds in the city. From niche construction to the political, aesthetical, and ethical dimensions of urban communities” as a postdoc researcher, member of the VLC Philosophy Lab.

JOSEP E. CORBÍ –  Homepage

Josep E. Corbí is a professor at the Department of Philosophy in the University of Valencia (Spain). He has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Oxford (1989-90), Brown University (1995-96), University of Buenos Aires (2006), the University of Sheffield (2008-09), and the University of Fribourg (2009). His publications include  Minds, Causes, and Mechanisms. A Case against Physicalism (2000), Un lugar para la moral (2003), Morality, Self-Knowledge, and Human Suffering. An Essay on the Loss of Confidence in the World (2012) as well as a number of papers in epistemology, philosophy of mind and meta-ethics.


I am a Ramon y Cajal research fellow at the University of Valencia. Before I held postdoctoral positions at the University of Liège (Belgium) and at Rice University (Houston, TX, USA). I did my PhD in at the Institut Jean Nicod (École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France), under the supervision of Uriah Kriegel. I work mainly in the areas of philosophy of mind and epistemology, particularly on consciousness, introspection, and self-knowledge. My overall research aim is to develop a unified account of the nature and knowledge of consciousness that is grounded in the mental relation of acquaintance.


Valeriano Iranzo is Professor at the University of Valencia (Spain). He has been Visiting Fellow at Washington University (USA), University of Sheffield (UK), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands) and University College London. His research interests are focused on philosophy of science, philosophy of probability, and epistemology.

VÍCTOR J. LUQUE – Homepage

Victor Luque is a Philosopher of Science, specializing in the philosophy of the biological sciences. In 2017 he completed his PhD on the causal structure of evolutionary theory at the University of Valencia (UV), as a member of the Evolutionary Genetics Group (Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology) and the MÉTHODOS Research Group (Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, UV). He is also a member of the Research Lab for the Philosophy and Theory of Life Sciences (Department of Logic, History, and Philosophy of Science, UNED). His work is focused on the structure of evolutionary theory, its mathematical models, and the causes of evolution.

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Saúl Pérez-González is Assistant Professor (in Logic and Philosophy of Science) at the University of Valencia. Previously, he held a post-doctoral position at the Center for Logic, Language, and Cognition (LLC) of the University of Turin. He has been visiting researcher at Durham University and University of Helsinki. His main areas of interest are philosophy of science, philosophy of the social sciences, and philosophy of the biomedical sciences.


Aida Roige is a postdoctoral fellow at the Philosophy Department at the University of Valencia. Her research addresses questions about types and kinds in the cognitive sciences, a topic that intersects with ongoing interests in philosophy of mind and biology (especially mechanistic explanation). She was a member of the medical ethics committee at the Capital Region Medical Center.(MD, US). She holds a PhD in Philosophy fro the University of Maryland, under supervision of Peter Carruthers, and an MA from the University of British Columbia. She has been a Fulbright and “la Caixa” scholar, a member of LOGOS (University of Barcelona), and of a number of research projects in Canada and Spain.


Sergi Rosell is a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Valencia. He has carried out research stays at the universities of Birmingham, California-San Diego (UCSD), Sheffield and Oxford. His research interests are moral luck, the free will and moral responsibility debate, the role played by the reactive attitudes in blame and punishment, the relation between beliefs and the will, rational control and some experimental challenges upon philosophical questions. In recent years, he has become interested in lying and deception, and the meaning of life and death, as well as in topics of ancient philosophy.  


Pablo is a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy in the University of Valencia, Spain. Before joining the department, he was a Fulford Junior Research Fellow at Somerville College (University of Oxford), a visiting postdoc at MIT, and a visiting scholar at the University of British Columbia. Pablo obtained his PhD from the University of Barcelona and his first degree in philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires. Pablo works mainly in metaphysics and meta-metaphysics. Some of his representative publications on these topics are: ‘Truthmaker Theory without Truthmakers’ (Ratio), ‘Stage Theory and Proper Names’ (Phil Studies), ‘There is no problem of change’ (dialectica).


Carlota Serrahima is a Assistant Professor at the University of Valencia. She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy (BIAP). Prior to this, she held postdoctoral positions at the Centre for Philosophical Psychology in Antwerp, the Institut Jean Nicod in Paris, and the ERC-funded project “Rethinking Conscious Agency” based at the Universitat de Barcelona. Her primary philosophical interests are in bodily awareness and self-awareness, particularly how these interact with phenomenal consciousness more broadly. Additionally, she is currently exploring the peculiarities and philosophical significance of specific affective phenomena, such as menstrual pain and anxiety.


Chon Tejedor studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford before completing an MPhil and a PhD in Philosophy at University College London. She was then Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Oxford for 12 years and Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Hertfordshire for 4 years, before moving to Universitat de València in 2017. Her publications include papers in journals such as Ratio and Philosophy, as well as two books: The Early Wittgenstein on Metaphysics, Natural Science, Language and Value (Routledge, 2015) and Starting with Wittgenstein (Bloomsbury, 2011). Tejedor works on Wittgenstein, ethics and intercultural epistemology.


Pilar Terres Villalonga is an Assistant Professor (in Logic and Philosophy of Science) at the University of Valencia. After obtaining her PhD in 2020 at the University of Barcelona with the LOGOS group, she was postdoctoral researcher at the Catholique University of Louvain and at the University of Barcelona. Her main areas of interest are philosophy of logic and the intersection between logic and philosophy of language. In particular, her research focuses on logical pluralism, substructural logics, and the distinction between semantics and pragmatics for formal languages.


Jordi Valor Abad is a lecturer at the Philosophy Department of the University of Valencia. He has carried out research stays at the universities of Sheffield, St Andrews (Arché), London (King’s College) and Barcelona. His main philosophical interests lie within the areas of philosophy of language and logic, philosophical logic, and theory of knowledge. His current research focuses on the study of the structure and philosophical relevance of paradoxes of self-reference, and on topics such as truth relativism, deflationary conceptions of truth, and the connections existing between normativity, meaning and a priori knowledge.

Honorary members


Castelló de la Ribera (València) 1958. Tobies Grimaltos was a professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, University of València. He studied Philosophy at the University of Valencia, where he did his PhD (1987) with a disertation on Philosophy of Perception. He has been Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham during the academic year 1991-92. His main interests are Epistemology, Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Mind.


Carlos Moya is currently Honorary Professor of Philosophy at the University of Valencia. His research focuses on free will and moral responsibility but he is also interested in several other topics in the philosophy of action and the philosophy of mind.  He has published many papers in academic journals and edited volumes, and he is the author of the books The Philosophy of Action (Polity Press/Blackwell, 1990), Filosofía de la Mente (PUV, 2004), Moral Responsibility. The Ways of Skepticism (Routledge, 2006) and Libre albedrío (Cátedra, 2017), and co-editor of Agency, Freedom and Moral Responsibility (with A. Buckareff and S. Rosell; Palgrave-Macmillan, 2015).