Emergent research projects “Epistemic and Speech Injustices” (PI: Manuel Almagro) and “Mechanism-based approaches to causation in evolutionary biology” (PI: Víctor J. Luque) have been awarded by the Valencian regional government.
Nir Fresco (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) will be visiting the Valencia Philosophy Lab from the 11th of April to the end of May. Welcome, Nir!
Nicolás S. Sánchez (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) will be visiting the Valencia Philosophy Lab from the 14th of March to the end of May. Welcome, Nicolás!
Maria Alvarez (King’s College London) will be visiting the Valencia Philosophy Lab from February 1 to the end of March. Welcome, Maria!
We are very pleased to announce that Anatasia Garbayo and Miguel Gramage have recently joined the VLC Philosophy Lab as FPI predoctoral fellows. Their fellowships are linked to “The Representional Penumbra” and “The Epistemology of Responsibility” research projects, respectively. Welcome!