

12-13/12/2024: XIII Research Workshop on Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences

10-11/12/2024: Workshop: Language, Knowledge and Injustice

04–05/07/2024XXI Taller d’Investigació en Filosofia – Conferència de Graduats en Filosofia

26-28/06/2024: Workshop: Introspection, Acquaintance and Self-Knowledge

25-26/06/2024: Workshop: Agency-Stultifying Situations and the Acknowledgement of Responsibility

15-16/02/2024: 2nd Prague-Valencia Workshop on Analytic Philosophy



23-24/11/2023: Workshop: Lying and Truthfulness

16-17/11/2023: Workshop: Consciousness and Indexicality

26-27/10/2023: Workshop: Varieties of Misinformation 

18-20/09/2023: XV Inter-University Workshop on Art, Mind, and Morality: Philosophy and Film. Keynote Speaker: Robert Pippin (University of Chicago)

30-31/05/2023: 1st Workshop Evidence and Mechanisms in the Social Sciences (EviSoc) 

25-26/05/2023: Workshop: The Representational Penumbra

26-28/04/2023: XXX SIUCC: J.L. Bermúdez



18/11/2022: Workshop on Lying and Deception

27-29/10/2022: 4th VLC Philosophy Workshop: Agency, Reasons and Possibilities

13-14/9/2022: Intercultural Understanding: Wittgensteinian Approaches

30/06-1/07/2022: IV Blasco Disputatio: The Epistemology of Modality

29/04/2022: Cristina Lafont: Democracy Without Shortcuts



1/10/2021: Simposio “Conocimiento Expropiado” (Akal: 2020) por Fernando Broncano

24-25/09/2021: Encuentro Internacional: Conocimiento, creencia y testimonio

17-19/09/2021: 3rd VLC Philosophy Workshop: Sharing Thoughts

03-04/06/2021: Workshop: Deception

29-30/04/2021: Herencia y actualidad de Karl Popper

15-16/04/2021: Workshop: Knowledge and Error about Oneself

25-27/03/2021: XXIII Congrés Valencià de Filosofia       Cancelled



11-12/06/2020: 2nd VLC Philosophy Workshop: Sharing Reasons

28-29/01/2020: Intercultural Understanding: Wittgensteinian Approaches at the Crossroads of Epistemology and Ethics



21-23/11/2019: IX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica

27-28/09/2019: 14th Nomos Meeting: Pornography

27-28/06/2019: Fourth Meeting in Philosophy, Probability and Scientific Methodology: Statistical evidence and evidence of mechanisms (program)

30-31/05/2019: 2nd PhDialogues Meeting (program)

28-29/03/2019: XX Taller d’Investigació en Filosofia (program)



8-9/11/2018: 1st VLC Philosophy Workshop: Self-Knowledge, Moral Responsibility and Authenticity (program)

18-19/10/2018: Herencia y Actualidad de Bertrand Russell (program)

21/09/2018: Seminari “Ensenyar Filosofia”

16/04/2018: II Seminario Permanente sobre Hume



19-20/10/2017: III Blasco DisputatioSingular terms in fiction (program)

10/03/2017: Herencia y Actualidad del Positivismo Lógico (program)