Author Archives: jorguar2

Lorenzo Baravalle joined the departament and the VLC Philosophy Lab as Assistant Professor (‘professor ajudant doctor’). Welcome, Lorenzo!

Carmela Vieites just joined the Valencia Philosophy Lab as a La Caixa INPhINIT predoctoral researcher. Welcome, Carmela!

The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation opened the call for Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowships.

Since applicants need the support of a supervisor, the VLC Philosophy Lab encourages those interested in receiving support from members of our group to express their interest by contacting Jorge Guardiola (

Deadline:17th December 2024

More info at:

The Valencian Regional Government (Generalitat Valenciana: Conselleria d’Educació, Universitats i Ocupació) has recently published a call for applications for pre-doctoral and post-doctoral research programmes. The regulations and the official call for applications can be found here:

Postdoctoral Programme (CIAPOS):

Predoc programme (CIACIF):

The Valencia Philosophy Lab research group ( is happy to support candidates who wish to apply for either a predoctoral or postdoctoral position. The deadline of the Generalitat Valenciana for both calls is 18 December 2024. However, those who would like the Valencia Philosophy Lab to support their application must send their expression of interest before 8 December 2024.