Colloquium 2021/22

Unless otherwise noted, all conferences will take place every two Fridays from 11:30am to 1:30pm at the Department of Philosophy seminar room (Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences, ground floor, room F11). We will try to follow the guidelines for respectful, constructive, and inclusive philosophical discussion.


Academic year 2021/22 calendar 

01/10/2021: Fernando Broncano (Universidad Carlos III): La dimensión política de la epistemología (abstract). Cancelled.

08/10/2021: Víctor J. Luque (Universitat de València): On how the Price equation can unify evolutionary biology (abstract)

22/10/2021: Tomáš Marvan (Czech Academy of Sciences): The finishing line of consciousness: Towards unconscious qualitative character (abstract). This talk will be held only via online.

05/11/2021: Pia Campeggiani (Università di Bologna): Deep Continuity: Aristotle on Animal Emotions (abstract)

19/11/2021: Miguel Ángel Sebastián (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México): Perspectival Information and the Knowledge Argument: Reconsidering the First-Person Point of View (abstract)

03/12/2021: Michael Kremer (University of Chicago): Gilbert Ryle’s Fregean Inheritance. (abstract). This talk will be held only via online.

17/12/2021: Carmen Martínez-Sáez (Universitat de València): La urgencia de una epistemología de la infancia (abstract)

28/01/2022: Josep Macià (Universitat de Barcelona): Tolerance and the Epistemology of Disagreement (abstract)

11/02/2022: Marc Artiga (Universitat de València): Deception as Mimesis (abstract)

25/02/2022: José Vicente Bonet (Universidad Católica de Valencia – Instituto de Investigación Edith Stein): Algunas condiciones necesarias del amor a las personas (abstract)

11/03/2022: Andrea Iacona (Università di Torino): Outline of a Theory of Reasons (abstract)

25/03/2022: Paolo Bonardi (Universitat de València): Millian Russellianism, Neo-Meinongianism and Imaginary Names (abstract)

08/04/2022: José Martínez (Universitat de Barcelona): TBA. Postponed.

29/04/2022: Cristina Lafont (Northwestern University):  Democracy Without Shortcuts: A Participatory Conception of Deliberative Democracy (abstract)

06/05/2022: Hong Yu Wong (University of Tübingen): On the Phenomenology of Agency: the Sense of Agency and Knowledge of Action (abstract)

03/06/2022: Delia Belleri (Universidad de LIsboa): Conceptual engineering, representational skepticism, and defeaters (abstract)

10/06/2022: Camil Golub (Rutgers University-Newark.): The Good, the Bad, and the Meaningful (abstract)

Organisers: Marc Artiga, Jordi Valor, Víctor Verdejo, Javier Castellote, and Carmen Martínez-Sáez.

Research Project  PID2019-106420GA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033

Research project PGC2018-093982-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/FEDER