Workshop: Introspection, Acquaintance and Self-Knowledge

26 June, 2024 – 28 June, 2024 all-day
Facultat de Filosofia i CC. de l'Educació, Universitat de València
Av. Blasco Ibáñez 30. Valencia
Anna Giustina (UV)

VENUE: Room F11, Department of Philosophy, University of Valencia

PROGRAMME: You can download it here.

Wednesday 26

15-15:30 Welcome

Afternoon session. Chair: Anna Giustina

15:30-17 Uriah Kriegel (Rice): “Knowledge by Acquaintance without Infallibilism”

17:00-17:15 Coffee break

17:15-18:45 Maja Spener (Birmingham): “Introspection Recovered”

Thursday 27

Morning session. Chair: Farid Masrour

10-11:30 Robert Howell (Rice): “The Epistemic Value of Acquaintance”

11:30-11:45 Coffee break 

11:45- 13:15 Jacopo Pallagrosi (IUSS Pavia): “Degrees of Introspective Acquaintance Knowledge”

13:15-15:15 Lunch

Afternoon session. Chair: Sharon Casu (University of Fribourg)

15:15-16:45 Matt Duncan (Rhode Island College): “The Acquaintance Theory of Introspection: Its
Metaphysics and Mysteries”

16:45-17:00 Coffee break

17-18:30 Martina Fürst (Graz): “Understanding Experiences and Overcoming Hermeneutical

Friday 28

Morning session. Chair: Jacopo Pallagrosi

10-11:30 Charles Siewert (Rice): “Core Reflective Self-Consciousness”

11:45- 13:15 Michelle Liu (Monash): “Introspection and Revelation”

13:15-15:15 Lunch

Afternoon session. Chair: Anna Giustina

15:15-16:45 Sam Coleman (Hertfordshire): “Some Reasons to Believe in Unconscious Qualia”

16:45-17:00 Coffee break

17-18:30 Marta Jorba (Pompeu Fabra): “Inner Speech and Self-Knowledge”


Farid Masrour (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Sharon Casu (University of Fribourg)


Anna Giustina (University of Valencia)
Jacopo Pallagrosi (IUSS Pavia/University of Valencia)

Scientific Committee

Marc Artiga (University of Valencia)
Anna Giustina (University of Valencia)
Jacopo Pallagrosi (IUSS Pavia/University of Valencia)
Sergi Rosell (University of Valencia)
Chon Tejedor (University of Valencia)


The Epistemology of Responsibility in Agency-Stultifying Situations (PID2022-139226NB-I00, funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science & Innovation), PIs: Chon Tejedor (University of Valencia) and Sergi Rosell (University of Valencia).

Deceptive Representations (CISEJI/2023/51, funded by Generalitat Valenciana – Conselleria
d’Educació, Universitats i Ocupació), PI: Marc Artiga (University of Valencia).
This is a VLC Philosophy Lab event


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