Colloquium 2018/19

Unless otherwise noted, all conferences will take place every two Fridays from 11:30am to 1:30pm at the Department of Philosophy seminar room (Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences, ground floor, room F11). We will try to follow the guidelines for respectful, constructive, and inclusive philosophical discussion.

Academic year 2018/19 calendar

21/09/2018: Antonio Gaitán (Universidad Carlos III)
La norma contra el partidismo (abstract)

05/10/2018: Saúl Pérez (Universitat de València)
Analytical sociology and social mechanisms (abstract)

26/10/2018: Pablo Rychter (Universitat de València)
Truthmaking without truthmakers revisited

16/11/2018: Carla Bagnoli (Universitetet i Oslo)
Disclaiming responsibility, voicing disagreements, and negotiating boundaries (abstract)

30/11/2018: Jordi Valor (Universitat de València)
Is the liar sentence meaningful? (abstract)

14/12/2018: Marta Jorba (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
Phenomenal contrast arguments and mental ontology (abstract)

11/01/2019: Marc Artiga (Universitat de València)
Minimal cognition

25/01/2019: Luigi Corrias (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Dehumanization as alienation: the conditio inhumana and the limits of appropriation (abstract)

08/02/2019: Valeriano Iranzo (Universitat de València)
How not to defend compatibilism about Bayesianism and Inference to the Best Explanation (abstract)

22/02/2019: Stefano Predelli (University of Nottingham)
How to use mention, or where (not) to put quotation marks (abstract)

01/03/2019: Javier González de Prado (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
Excusable moral uncertainty (abstract)

22/03/2019: Fernando Aguiar (Instituto de Filosofía – CSIC)
Identidad y yo verdadero: creencias positivas y normativas sobre uno mismo (abstract)

12/04/2019: Sònia Roca (University of Stirling)
A priori knowledge, peer-agreement and peer-disagreement (abstract)

03/05/2019: Samuel Cabanchik (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Wittgenstein crítico de la mitología causalista (abstract)

17/05/2019: Sergi Rosell (Universitat de València)
Meaning as textured living (abstract)

31/05/2019: Nora Kreft (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Love, authenticity and autonomy (abstract)

14/06/2019: Sol Yuan (CONICET, Universidad Nacional del Litoral)
‘Elastic seeing’ and methods of projection (abstract)




Research project PGC2018-093982-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/FEDER